Lunch with DRBA

April 15, 2020
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

Lunch with DRBA

Join us while you're eating lunch on Wednesdays at Noon for a weekly dose of virtual learning and cool experiences.

Registration opens on Monday, 4/13/20 for the first webinar, and is required to participate in each of the future webinars.

4/15: Protecting Our Waterways: What You Can Do Now
Learn about fun stewardship projects that you can do even during a crisis, including being a DRBA River Watch Monitor, starting a CleanUp Crew, and becoming a Certified Water Protector.  Just because you are social distancing, doesn't mean you have to stay away from nature or protecting the environment!

Thank you to those who participated.  You can find the recorded webinar here.

4/22: Rain Barrels & Reducing Your Water Footprint 
Learn all about rain barrels and reducing your water footprint by practicing water conservation.  We all need clean water and there is no better time to start conserving it!



4/29: Virtual Tub of Bugs!
Join us for an exciting and unique webinar learning about aquatic insects and crustaceans found in a stream in the Dan River basin.  Aquatic life is a great indicator of the health of our rivers and streams.  In this webinar, you'll learn about identifying the small creatures and what their presence (or absence!) means.