Events - Wednesday, February 24

Lunch w/DRBA Webinar - The Many-Legged

February 24, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

The Many-Legged Beneath our Feet,  Myriapods of the Piedmont Region

In this webinar, Dr. Jackson Means of the Virginia Museum of Natural History (VMNH) will introduce you to the often overlooked world of the Myriapoda (millipedes, centipedes, and relatives). Jackson will discuss what exactly myriapods are, their role in the ecosystem, and why they are so diverse (>16,000 species; about as many as all bird and mammal species combined). He will also show off some of the more impressive specimens in the VMNH collections, and explain why the museum collection has become one of the largest and most important collections in the world for myriapod research. And of course the webinar would not be complete without a run down of the many bizarre and beautiful myriapods which can be found in the Piedmont Region.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Pre-registration is required.


Other important information:

NOTE: When you click on the registration link, you will be directed to a web page to register for the webinar. Once you register, you will be emailed a link to connect via Zoom on the date/time of the webinar. Your email and any data you enter for registering is private and will not be shared outside of DRBA and will be deleted after you attend the meeting. You can use a phone, laptop or computer to attend. You do not need a camera, but will need a microphone on the device you are using. High speed internet is not required, but you may experience a lapse in audiovisual if you are not using a strong connection to WIFI.